You know what is funny - it is really funny to thing that there are a lot of companies that are fighting for the low end or mainsteam services, while the market for the really rich people or for those people that want and can afford to pay way more for a certain service it can be very small.
And this happened in Romania - this happened regarding some of the best services that I have received and also for a very small amount of money - and this happened of course due to the fact that the gui did not hafve a lot of cleints.
This is about some transfer to otopeni services - which were to be honest the best transportation or transfer services that I have ever experienced on this planet - that guy was EXTREMELY professional, very serious, the car was also very clean so I have to conclude and say that those services were really extraordinary.
I also have to praise the car, which was a Mercedes, a very new model in fact (and also very expensive) - a real black cab that was able to drive me through the streets of Bucharest with ease, in a perfect state of comfort and without any kind of incidents.
So I have to recommend rentcarwithdriver and that gui as the best car/driver that you would find in Romania.
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Monday, August 29, 2016
Best real estate software
During my internship at the biggest real estate company from Berlin those guis decided (basically due to the fact that I am a very technical person) to be in charge with choosing their future real estate virtual tour software - which was in fact a great or rather HUGE task.
The problem was the fact that there were more than 20 solutions and the company had 5 departments - and each of those departments had some very specific needs regarding that software.
So we did not really wanted or needed the best software solution from a technical or user experience point of view, as we wanted the most feature packed and at the same time the most versatile software solution that money could buy.
So - the main problem was that I only found one really good software solution - and that is named Tour Wizard - finally it was quite funny that because we started from 20 solutions, we slowly eliminated all the things that did not have the necessary features for the marketing department, or for sales, or for the BI guis that really need all the data that it is possible to get.
And to ennumerate, some of those features are:
- social media integrations
- email integration
- embed capabilitieas
- annotations
- live chat support
- phone support
- different file formats supported for images
- reporting
So you can imagine that it was not simple, but we finally did it - and everyone was really happy with the Tour Wizard solution.
The problem was the fact that there were more than 20 solutions and the company had 5 departments - and each of those departments had some very specific needs regarding that software.
So we did not really wanted or needed the best software solution from a technical or user experience point of view, as we wanted the most feature packed and at the same time the most versatile software solution that money could buy.
So - the main problem was that I only found one really good software solution - and that is named Tour Wizard - finally it was quite funny that because we started from 20 solutions, we slowly eliminated all the things that did not have the necessary features for the marketing department, or for sales, or for the BI guis that really need all the data that it is possible to get.
And to ennumerate, some of those features are:
- social media integrations
- email integration
- embed capabilitieas
- annotations
- live chat support
- phone support
- different file formats supported for images
- reporting
So you can imagine that it was not simple, but we finally did it - and everyone was really happy with the Tour Wizard solution.
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Working for a callcenter agency
In one career you have to start from the bottom and slowly go up, slowly but steady and this is what I tried and manage to do in the last couple of years - and I still remember my first job at the LondonRedLight Escort Agency - which was a very interesting experience from a life point of view, as I have really found a lot of interesting people.
Then, after this really strange but at the same time very interesting job I was hired as a junior system administrator for a company that was teaching students foreign languages, so you can understand that I have entered in contact with people from a lot of cultures, people that really wanted to learn some strange languages that were very interesting for their likes.
I can also tell you that working as a junior system administrator I really had to do a lot of helpdesk, I have also to clean the computers (I mean the dust out of those computers) to do a lot of backup and system maintenance activities that were rather annoying.
Later - I become a consultant in IT problems and I understood the fact that as you advance in life a lot of opportunities will appear, and you would somehow be able to allow them to past by you ay you will embrace them - so in this way I really was able to make a lot of friends and also to create a bas eof clients.
But the tip of the mountain was for me to work as a freelancer, to make my own daily program.
Then, after this really strange but at the same time very interesting job I was hired as a junior system administrator for a company that was teaching students foreign languages, so you can understand that I have entered in contact with people from a lot of cultures, people that really wanted to learn some strange languages that were very interesting for their likes.
I can also tell you that working as a junior system administrator I really had to do a lot of helpdesk, I have also to clean the computers (I mean the dust out of those computers) to do a lot of backup and system maintenance activities that were rather annoying.
Later - I become a consultant in IT problems and I understood the fact that as you advance in life a lot of opportunities will appear, and you would somehow be able to allow them to past by you ay you will embrace them - so in this way I really was able to make a lot of friends and also to create a bas eof clients.
But the tip of the mountain was for me to work as a freelancer, to make my own daily program.
Friday, August 12, 2016
CityBreak Amsterdam
City Break Amsterdam
O bună cale de acces este avionul, pentru că peisajul
olandez este captivant prin geometria riguroasă a canalelor, prin verdele ireal
al câmpurilor, prin senzaţia de prospeţime de care are parte vizitatorul.
Aeroportul Schiphol este primul reper în care şi într-un
City Break e bine să i se aloce timp. Pe de-o parte pentru fascinaţia călătorilor
de pe întreg globul, ajunşi pentru o clipă în acest nod al zborurilor
internaţionale, apoi pentru savoarea cumpărăturilor care se pot face în
delicioase duty-free. Şi nu în cele din urmă pentru primul contact cu arta
olandeză, în micul muzeu amenajat chiar în incinta aeroportului.
La Amsterdam
poţi ajunge cu afaceri, fiind unul dintre cele mai mari centre de profil din
întreaga lume. Poţi merge pentru cultură, în special pentru artă, aici fiind
muzee dedicate unor titani precum Rembrandt sau Van Gogh, dar şi atâtor altor
pictori flamanzi care au făcut şcoală.
Dar probabil că pentru multă lume Amsterdam este expresia libertăţii şi a
bucuriei de a trăi viaţa. De a gusta din toate plăcerile ei.
Un City Break pentru nopţi de petrecere în multitudinea de
baruri şi restaurante, cu specific divers precum diversitatea etnică a celor ce
vieţuiesc aici. Şi e aproape obligatoriu de băut o bere Amstel pe malul râului
cu acelaşi nume. Apoi este permisă şi degustarea unor arome mai speciale
dintr-un cofee shop.
Cartierul Red Light este faimos în toată lumea şi poate fi o
destinaţie în exclusivitate, pentru delectarea simţurilor, dar este şi un reper
de prim rang într-o vizită la Amsterdam .
Multe peste suta de festivaluri care au loc anual aici oferă
garantat câte un reper pe agenda unui
City Break.
Desigur că toată lumea ştie şi de emblema olandeză a
florilor, cu precădere laleaua.
Iar mai nou, cel puţin în optica societăţii româneşti,
turistul ajuns la Amsterdam
poate experimenta cât pofteşte şi într-un mod cu totul inedit, călătoria cu
bicicleta. Este o experienţă unică aceea de a vedea munţi de biciclete în
diverse puncte al oraşului.
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